Fabio Vacirca Interviews and Videos

1999 Oracle - OAmis Paris Interview
2004 Messaggio Rotariani Turchi
2005.12 Milano CGS Center
2006.04 Fashion Innovation Center
2006.11 Telelombardia - Fashion Innovation Center
2006.12 Telenova - Fashion Innovation Center
2006.12.22 RAI 3  tg neapolis - Fashion Innovation Center
2007 Retail Days Istanbul
2007.05 ECR - StandAccenture
2007.11 Intervista Ferrero
2007.12.20 Il Sole 24 Ore - Andamento dei consumi in Europa
2008.10 Customer Innovation Center in Milan Quick overview Fashion
2008.10 Customer Innovation Center in Milan Quick overview Food
2008.10 Customer Innovation Center in Milan
2009.03 Foundation Offerings
2009.10 CAS Lancio V8
2009.10. Sole24Ore Retail Summit
2013.03 Interview in China
2013.03.20 BBC Asia - The new consumer in Asia
2013.06 Consumer Goods Forum Opening
2014.09 CGS Is the Place to Be Welcome
2016.04 ZBB CFO workshop New Delhi
2017.05 Imagine If - Fabio Vacirca Interview
2018.10 Digital Reinvention ITAP
2019-04 Saphire Orlando SAP C4HANA and Accenture
2019-04 Shanghai Palt
2019.10 ITAP Singapore
2020-07-02 La Repubblica TV - Intervista Meet the future
2020.04.17 Covid
2020.08 Google APAC Partner Roundtable
2021.03.07 CNA - International women day
2021.06 Episode 1 ASIAM Introduction
2021.06 Episode 2 ASIAM 8Cube
2021.06.08 Fortune Global Tech Forum