2019-05 3 weeks on the road

Fabio ha un piano viaggi incredibile: Singapore, Londra, Dublino, Boston, Miami, New York, Milano, Johannesbourg, New York, Chicago, Singapore in tre settimane. Si compra pure una nuova valigia da imbarcare per questo viaggio. La parte non business comprende: week end lungo con Claudia a Boston e poi Portland nel Maine (grandi aragoste), cena con Brice, week end a NY con Paola e Claudia e cena con Goodness, due giorni a Milano con Laura e le gemelle e poi ancora un week end (corto) a New York con Paola e Claudia.
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 1
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 2
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 3
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 4
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 5
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 6
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 7
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 8
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 9
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 10
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 11
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 12
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 13
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 14
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 15
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 16
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 17
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 18
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 19
2019-05 3 weeks on the road - 20