I Brusadelli (detti anche “Brusa”: papa’ Maurizio, mamma Katia + Francesco e Federico) passano con noi una bellissima settimana e ci accompagnano dalle cicladi (Naxos) fino all’ingresso del canale di Corinto.

Quella con Maurizio è un’amicizia di lunga data: risale ai tempi della Kraft di via Pola…per cui parliamo circa del 1993/1994. Poi ci siamo ritrovati a Singapore ed ora siamo ancora tutti a Milano.

Maurizio ha una grande esperienza di vela e ci ha dato una grande mano in tutte le operazioni di ormeggio e soprattutto quando è servita la cima a terra.

Ma la vera sorpresa della vacanza sono i due teenager maschi (noi abbiamo esperienza solo di femmine) che temevano si sarebbero annoiati. Invece sono stati molto collaborativi e si sono adattati ai ritmi di 4 adulti senza nessun problema. Bhe, bisogna dire comunque che stare in barca con Starlink facilita la vita a chi ha bisogno sempre di connessione.

Penso che nella memoria di tutti quanti rimarrà il banana bread preparato in un pomeriggio in cui eravamo blindati in barca a causa del forte meltemi a Serifos e tutte le foto e video fatti con la go-pro.

Alla fine della vacanza ci hanno lasciato tantissimi post-it arancioni nascosti in vari posti della barca con frasi commoventi.

Qui di seguito i loro pensieri al termine della vacanza:


This boat trip has been awesome with beautiful views and amazing comfort. The boat in my opinion is broken down in three spacious areas; the front giving you a good view while travelling to different destinations, the back with comfy pillows to dry of. Lastly the inside full of comfort and a homey felling from the inside you cant even tell that it’s a boat!

One of my  favorite experiences on this boat is dinner time where we would take ‘POTINO’ for a ride. The reason why this was my favorite experience is because every night we would look up at the stars and relax until someone would scream ‘a shooting star!’ and we would all look up. Not going to mention any names but only one of us didn’t see the star. Another reason is because of the battery which would have all of us guessing when we would run out. I feel like I speak for all of us when I say that we had many laughs on this trip.

Using all of their technology was also breathtaking as we would always use the go-pro and try to get the best videos and photos. Me and my brother would jump from the roof of the boat seeing who would get the best video. We would go on the SUP to take photos underwater and vlogs that always started with the line “Hey Chickerones”. By the end of the day we were left with photos and videos to clear out.  By the time we were finished we were all dying of laughter.

Fabio & Laura are one of the best people to welcome you on board. Laura with her kindness and being gentle all the time and Fabio always finding a way to make us laugh. Either if he is busy driving or we’re in the water.

I remember one day the weather wasn’t the best so me, my brother and Laura decided to make banana bread. This was because there were bananas and we were bored. Let me just tell you how chaotic this was from me breaking an egg on the counter because I smashed it to hard or how my brother was mixing with his hands. Then came the moment we had to try it knowing how it was made we were not sure at all on how it would taste. We tried it and guess what it wasn’t bad!

  • Have fun travelling the world! Chicco


The  week-long trip on Fabio and Laura’s AMEL 50 was a beautiful experience as everyday it was a different experience. The boat itself was beautiful both on the inside and the outside making it a very well rounded boat. Going by sail or motor was always a very nice time as there was always a nice view and the water was amazing and everywhere we stopped for the night always had beautiful waters to make swimming a very nice experience.

One of my favorite experiences was when we went on the SUP to the shore as it was very fun taking photos and videos underwater and on the beach. Every night we would clean up the photos so that the camera wasn’t full of storage, speaking about phots and videos another very fun thing to do during the day was to take videos as we jumped from the roof of the boat as it was very fun because it felt like we were blogging all the time.

 The Potino was always the journey because one person in general was scared that the battery was always going to run out so we were all constantly looking at the battery life but thankfully we made it safely (after changing the battery).

Overall this trip was very fun as we were always with Fabio and Laura who always were very friendly and funny, I think in general this boat trip was really nice and I am sad to see it finish here but also happy that it happened in the first place. Thanks Fabio and Laura for these amazing experiences and good luck with everything that you guys will have to encounter, Thanks
